Factory Parts Don't Stand the Test of Time

We stock aftermarket base pin latches for Ruger firearms

Most factory standard base pin latches are made from soft steel. Over time, they wear down and stop working properly. You can fix or avoid this problem by replacing your Ruger firearm's base pin latch with a new one from Belt Mountain Enterprises, Inc.

We carry hard steel base pin latches designed to last longer and provide better safety and control. Order your replacement parts through our website by using the order form. Our base pin latches are $11.00 plus $1.00 postage.

A loose base pin is a safety hazard

Belt Mountain Enterprises carries a variety of Ruger base pin latches. A stronger base pin latch:

  • Provides increased holding power
  • Resists gun damage caused by stress
  • Increases ejector rod stroke

You should always have a spare base pin latch assembly on hand so you'll never need to wait for a replacement part.

Use our form to place your order for base pin latches. We'll have top-quality parts delivered to your door in no time.